Greatest hidden personal transformation methods finally revealed
Certification P.E.A.T. and F.A.I.R. transformational techniques programs for new transformation methods for solving the fundamental problems in life, on an unconscious level, with immediate breakthrough results. These methods transform individuals and communities. It changes lives, personalities, character, and habits. It solves personal subjective problems and creates a stress-free environment. Anyone can learn it in a single weekend workshop. No prior knowledge is required for the successful application.
World is the mecca of seminars and educational programs. Although, not even the highest level of training in any field can improve your capacities if you have any suppressed and unresolved emotions from past negative experiences, self-defeating patterns, or self-limiting beliefs, that are blocking success in achieving significant productivity in life.
resolve the causes of your issues forever, efficiently and quickly.
What's extraordinary and makes P.E.A.T. and F.A.I.R. transformational techniques stand out:
1. The method is efficient and quick - the neutralization of the bad memory that was caused by stress or trauma can be achieved in most cases with one session, a maximum of seven sessions. This technique saves time and money.
2. The technique is easy to learn, and a processor could be any person who is able to read and write while following the protocol.
3. During the process, only key content is presented as answers to specific questions in the protocol, there is not much storytelling, and answers should be brief and summarized. This is far from traditional clinical psychology therapy, where the client endlessly talks about the problem.
As Nikola Tesla said: “Each time you talk about something, you are giving it new energy, so the story/trauma keeps on growing, developing and not only that the old energy of the event is still present, it becomes empowered, stronger and firmly established in our psyche.”
F.A.I.R. TRANSFORMATIONAL TECHNIQUE is an interpersonal psycho-therapeutic self-help method, designed and created to relieve emotional “baggage” and blockages through a process of integration of energetical and emotional charges. The initial problem can be anything from trauma, negative past experience, anxiety, fears, fobias, resistance, compulsiveness, weakness, panic attack, jealousy, aggression, tension, guilt, relationship problems, and other unwanted psychological internal stress and emotional problems, negative beliefs and feelings, defeating decisions from the past, unpleasant physical sensations, and all the other contents that have a significant impact on (our) life. Also, repressed emotions could be something that was passed on as culturally appropriate behavior.
Throughout the F.A.I.R. TT session, the client resolves a problem that he/she chose to work on, but during the process of it there is also subconscious content that comes out, which is where the real primary problem is that is more relevant and should be resolved urgently. However, the client is very often not aware of how much impact that has on his/her life. F.A.I.R. TT solves more than a few things in one session.
Tatjana Milana is the founder of F.A.I.R. which is an abbreviation for Free Authentic Integration Release. The method itself is easy, practical, and dignified, there are no cathartic moments or large emotional outbursts, it is confidential - the client is not obligated to reveal the subject or the problem that is being solved, and the process can be conducted by anyone who carefully follows the guidelines given on seminars/webinars.
There is a purpose in every one of our thoughts and emotions, and we are refusing to realize their purpose by repressing them. For example, if we feel fear, and it is being neglected, there is no possibility to recognize and make use of the energy that is driven and connected to that fear. Nor can we have a clear vision of the dangers that are triggered by the repression. When we are aware that we are experiencing an emotion that is not welcomed, and we are consciously refusing to experience it, we are in fact repressing that emotion. Repressed aspects, in most cases, are those emotions or desires that could be classified as shameful or disconcerting. Meaning, the emotions that we are not comfortable with, which are usually linked to our childhood experiences, are so very well harbored in our sub-consciousness to the point that we are completely unaware that they even exist anymore.
Repressing emotions is causing emotional numbness. By repressing emotions, we are deliberately neglecting the reality of the emotion, and at the same time desensitizing our consciousness about the pressure and movement of the energy that emotion carries within us. The level at which we repress an emotion or a sensation is the same level we repress all other emotions and sensations. For example; when we refuse to experience the emotion of fear and rage, we also lose the capability to feel love, happiness, and peace. When sorrow is integrated, we have a chance to experience joy, when we integrate aggression, we have a chance to enjoy true peace, when anger is integrated, we can experience real happiness, and so on…
P.E.A.T. methodology
PEAT methodology and its goal is to release emotional problems and accelerate spiritual development.
Deep PEAT integrates Primordial Polarities (the pair with the most emotional and energy charge, which affect our perception and behavior)
Why is DEEP PEAT so specific and why it is so important in the PEAT family is actually the moment of the last level on the problem chain. The last level of the problem (or observed from the reverse direction – the very beginning of the problem) is in the first pair of polarities which creates the basic unconscious game (problem) of each individual. What is important to understand is that the world is dual. It is based on duality, but it can hardly be perceived today as such. A man is driven mostly by one force throughout his life, falling under the influence of it or its opposite extreme, never realizing they are actually ONE whole. This game is, of course, unconscious and compulsive. However, at the moment of enlightening the first pair of polarities, you will renew your stage of life. This couple is called "Personal Codes". This means that from then to the future man is released from the forced unconscious play and the movement from polarity to polarity. He becomes free from them with the ability to go to one or another polarity, according to his own will.
Živorad Mihajlović Slavinski - the founder of PEAT methodology states:
"The most important thing is that during Processing you will be able to discover and neutralize your Primordial Codes or, as we call them, Other Personal Codes. Neutralizing Personal Codes rescues your fundamental life problem forever. You cannot avoid this even if you want it. This procedure frees every human being from the deadly affliction of duality. At the moment when you discover the Personal Code, the neutralization of the opposites happens. You begin to see one personal code in another, even though they represent a complete contrast for you. You become ONE with yourself and the Cosmos. ''
Polarization itself solves every (initial) problem so that all negative charge of energy between the polarities pumps out. The practitioner feels great relief and energy recovery, which certainly speaks of the great therapeutic value of this method.
We all have suppressed emotions or pain experienced in traumatic, destructive, and dysfunctional situations that act as a self-defense mechanism when an experience in the present, ‘Triggers’/activates undesirable energy and emotional charges from the past. How many friends do you have with a dysfunctional storyline that repeats itself throughout their lives, only with different people occupying the roles within that story? Does your friend always play the same role as victim, prosecutor, or savior? Or perhaps she is dating the same person but with a different face.. Those suppressed emotions want to integrate themselves so along with your subconsciousness creating a circumstance in your life to be relieved for integration, but unfortunately, no one taught us how to resolve any subjective problems with immediate personal breakthrough results, designed for fast neutralization of emotional "baggage".
Whatever we do not process properly, becomes deposited psychological content in our subconscious, which in order to keep itself "alive" will re-manifest itself - most likely when we least need it - in a form most inappropriate for a situation (through our compulsive and impulsive actions). Emotional blockages are created by past negative experiences, suppressed and unresolved emotions, self-defeating behaviors/patterns, and self-limiting beliefs which are counter intentions that contribute to self-sabotage. They act as a defense mechanism to deal with deep suppressed emotional pain experienced in traumatic, destructive, and dysfunctional situations. Sometimes, we have an experience in the present, that ‘Triggers’ /activates undesirable repressed feelings from the past (on the subconscious and unconscious levels).
Our body literally records everything and holds on to all suppressed emotions until we allow them to discharge, if not - it will often result in a form of illness - every part of the body corresponds to certain psychosomatic issues. Suppressed emotions lead to all kinds of problems such as depression, anger, abuse, a variety of illnesses, etc. Emotional blocks can arise quite early in life and still have consequences long afterward.
This powerful technique can be applied to anything that has an emotional charge – stress, fears, phobias, resistance, anxiety, compulsiveness of any type, undesirable behavior, faults, weaknesses, panic attacks, jealousy, fear of public speaking, fears in general, resistance to something or someone else, insomnia, depression, overeating, aggressive behavior, the tension in the presence of authority, lack of motivation to work on your goals, a sense of inferiority, the need to attract attention, failure, problems in relationships, anxiety, insecurity, guilt, etc.This is not a traditional process of psychology, where you have to over-talk your problems with a psychologist so often for so long, in some cases years. Traditional psychotherapy can temporarily make one feel better, since “talking out of the problem” can result in the short-term release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and oxytocin. Yet in the long run, a traditional process of the psychology approach will only amplify the problem, while FAIR AND PEAT are solving it forever if applied properly.
F.A.I.R. (Focused Acceptance Integration Release) transformational techniques and P.E.A.T. (Primary Energy Activation and Transformation) are unique interpersonal psycho-therapeutic methods with a focus on a personality change on the subconscious and unconscious level, designed for a fast neutralization of emotional "baggage", resolve traumas, past negative experiences, overcome anxiety and fears, transform relationships, eliminates the problems, break unproductive habits and create a desired characteristics of personality traits and much more.